共发表30篇高水平论文,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文12篇,EI 1篇,累积影响因子达90,H因子11。
[1] Xuejiao Wang, Yongxin Yi, Chaofan Guo, Xingwei Wang. Jingyang Yu, Shuqin Xia*. Enhanced sodium release and saltiness perception of surimi gels by microwave combined with water bath heating. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 134: 108018.
[2] Caixia Chen, Guiguang Cheng, Yaping Liu, Yongxin Yi, Dongjie Chen, Lu Zhang,
Xuejiao Wang**, Jianxin Cao*. Correlation between microorganisms and flavor of Chinese fermented sour bamboo shoot: Roles of Lactococcus and Lactobacillus in flavor formation. Food Bioscience, 2022, 50: 101994.
[3] Xuejiao Wang, Niamat Ullah, Yu Shen, Zhenchun Sun, Xingwei Wang, Tingting Feng, Xiaoming Zhang, Qingrong Huang, Shuqin Xia*. Emulsion delivery of sodium chloride: A promising approach for modulating saltiness perception and sodium reduction. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 110: 525-538.
[4] Xuejiao Wang, Xingwei Wang, Tingting Feng, Yu Shen, Shuqin Xia*. Saltiness perception enhancement of fish meat treated by microwave: The significance of conformational characteristics, water and sodium mobility. Food Chemistry, 2021, 347: 129033.
[5] Xuejiao Wang, Tingting Feng, Shuqin Xia*. Saltiness perception related to salt release of surimi emulsified sausages: Modulation in texture and microstructure by polysaccharides. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56(8): 3893-3902.
[6] Xuejiao Wang, Tingting Feng, Xingwei Wang, Xiaoming Zhang, Shuqin Xia*. Gelation and microstructural properties of fish myofibrillar protein gels with the incorporation of L-lysine and L-arginine at low ionic strength. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101: 5469-5477.
[7] Xuejiao Wang, Bertrand Muhoza, Xingwei Wang, Tingting Feng, Shuqin Xia*, Xiaoming Zhang. Comparison between microwave and traditional water bath cooking on saltiness perception, water distribution and microstructure of grass crap meat. Food Research International, 2019, 125: 108521.
[8] Xuejiao Wang, Li Liu, Shuqin Xia*, Bertrand Muhoza, Jibao Cai, Xiaoming Zhang, Emmanuel Duhoranimana, Jiakun Su. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose modulates the stability of cinnamaldehyde-loaded liposomes at high ionic strength. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 93: 10-18.
[9] Xuejiao Wang, Caleb John Swing, Tingting Feng, Shuqin Xia*, Jingyang Yu, Xiaoming Zhang. Effects of environmental pH and ionic strength on the physical stability of cinnamaldehyde-loaded liposomes. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2020, 41(10): 1568-1575.
[10] Xuejiao Wang, Yumei Xie, Hanjing Ge, Lin Chen, Jiali Wang, Shuang Zhang, Yan Guo, Zhixi Li, Xianchao Feng*. Physical properties and antioxidant capacity of chitosan/epigallocatechin-3-gallate films reinforced with nano-bacterial cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 179: 207-220.
[11] Xuejiao Wang, Chaofan Guo, Wenhui Hao, Niamat Ullah, Lin Chen, Zhixi Li, Xianchao Feng*. Development and characterization of agar-based edible films reinforced with nano-bacterial cellulose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 118: 722-730.
[12] Xuejiao Wang1, Niamat Ullah1, Xuchun Sun, Yan Guo, Lin Chen, Zhixi Li, Xianchao Feng*. Development and characterization of bacterial cellulose reinforced biocomposite films based on protein from buckwheat distiller’s dried grains. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 96: 353-360.
[13] Niamat Ullah1, XuejiaoWang1, JinWu, Yan Guo, Hanjing Ge, Tengyu Li, Saleem Khan, Zhixi Li*, Xianchao Feng*. Purification and primary characterization of a novel bacteriocin, LiN333, from Lactobacillus casei, an isolate from a Chinese fermented food. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017, 84: 867-875.
[14] 汪雪娇, 孙旭春, 兰永丽, 李腾宇, 师帅, 杨霞, 冯宪超*, 李志西*. 液态发酵对西农9940苦荞主要成分及其抗氧化活性的强化作用. 食品科学, 2017, 38(24): 68-73.